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Do you want a loving and respectful way to connect with your baby?

Do you want natural ways to find relaxation for you and your baby?




Then come and learn how to massage your infant (up to 12 months) with this amazing six week programme which guides you and your baby through the process of learning a full body infant massage. This International Association of Infant Massage Course is a combination of Indian and Swedish massage strokes, reflexology and gentle yoga moves. You massage your baby, enjoying the one on one time together, while I teach using a doll.

I am currently teaching these course via the Kāpiti Women's Centre. Bookings are essential as numbers are limited.


What are the Benefits of Infant Massage?

- Relaxation for parent and child

- Promotes better sleep patterns

- Helps emotional development through bonding

- May ease discomfort from painful gas, colic and reflux

- Assists healthy circulation and bodily function


What you can expect:

- A welcoming environment of trust, respect and understanding

- 5 weekly sessions of 1-1.5 hours long with yummy morning teas

- Each week we slowly build up to a full body massage


group infant massage


What parents say:

- 'By massaging my baby after her bath in the evening I've noticed an improvement in mood.'

- 'Our baby is more relaxed and less windy. It was great being close with baby while just being there in the moment.'

- 'He loves the interaction and it has been something nice to do at home.'


Email me to find out when the next course starts